You have to take more care of safety in a CNG car as compared to a petrol-engine car. Sometimes a small mistake can lead to a big accident, so today in this blog we are here to tell you what safety measures you should keep in mind if you own a CNG car. It is not that you don’t need to pay attention to safety measures in a petrol engine car. You do need to pay attention, but less. Let’s talk about CNG car safety issues.
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CNG Car Safety Issues Guide

Everyone thinks that there is a benefit in buying a CNG car but let me tell you that it has more risks than a petrol engine car. CNG catches fire very quickly, if there is even a slight leakage, it will take only a few seconds for your CNG cylinder to burst. It does not matter if you have a company-fitted CNG car or an aftermarket-fitted CNG car, you have to take care of safe measures in both cases. Below are the top CNG car safety issues:
- The first point is that whenever you get any work done in your car, whether it is related to any part, then first of all make sure that you close the nozzle of the CNG cylinder of your car.
- It is compulsory to send the CNG cylinder used in the car for checking after every three years. And you should not get the test done from any unauthorized place but from a government-authorized center. Many people get the test done by unauthorized dealers to save some money, but we request you not to do this because, in the process of saving some money, you can lose your life. After the test, you will be given a report that will tell you whether your CNG cylinder needs to be replaced, how much longer the cylinder will last, how much mileage the car is giving, etc.
- There is a button provided in the car with the help of which you can instantly switch the car from petrol to CNG. Avoid using it as much as possible. Whenever you go to a fuel station to fill CNG, turn off your engine before filling it.
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Does CNG Car Blast In Accident

Yes, sometimes it blasts. But it happens in very rare cases that the cylinder blasts in an accident. There is nothing to worry about because a CNG cylinder cannot burst so easily, a very bad accident is required for that.
Is CNG Car Safe For Long Drive
Going on a long drive in a CNG car is both beneficial and harmful. By harmful we do not mean that it can endanger your life. Rather, it was that you may have to face some problems. Rather, it was that you may have to face many problems.
CNG Refueling Infrastructure: CNG fuel stations are not available in many states. If by mistake your CNG runs out in that state, you may have to face problems. When CNG fuel stations open everywhere, one can consider going on a long drive in a CNG car.
- CNG Tank Capacity: CNG cars generally have less fuel tank capability compared to their petrol cars.
- Refueling Time: As we all know how many cars are always lined up at CNG fuel stations to fill CNG. Because of this, we have to stand in line for a long time, due to which a lot of time gets wasted.
- Power And Performance: If we talk about the pick-up and acceleration of CNG cars, it is less than petrol cars. This is an essential consideration for long-distance trips.