Is A CNG Bike Safe? Safety Measures And Testing

Is A CNG Bike Safe? This question has been running in everyone’s mind ever since Bajaj’s new Freedom 122cc CNG bike was launched in the market. At this time, the question in people’s minds is not whether the bike looks good or is easy to ride, but the question in people’s mind is whether the bike is safe or not. In this blog, we will solve your dilemma but for that, you will have to read this blogpost completely.

Bajaj has shaken the two-wheeler industry ever since they launched the Freedom 125cc bike. And Bajaj has not only served it with features but has also taken care of complete safety measures while creating this bike. Now let us come to the question of whether the CNG bike is safe or not.

Is A CNG Bike Safe Or Not?

Is A CNG Bike Safe Or Not?

Although CNG bikes are safe only if maintained with care. By care, I mean getting it serviced on time and if there is any problem then get it checked by a mechanic immediately. It is safe to drive CNG bikes only under the given guidelines, otherwise it can have many serious consequences.

  • Regular Examinations: Yes, it is necessary to maintain and inspect a CNG bike once a week. Because a small gas leak can cost you your life.
  • Hydrostatic testing: The companies themselves say that if you are buying a CNG bike, then you must get its hydrostatic testing done every 3 years.
  • Proper refueling: Using authorized CNG refueling stations ensures that the refueling process is safe and the quality of CNG is maintained.

Also read: Is CNG Better Than Petrol: Which Car Is Better?

Safety Measures And Testing

Safety Measures And Testing

CNG bikes are manufactured very carefully, and customer safety is one of the major concerns before launching them. Several structures are designed and many experiments are done on them to find out which structure is the best for the CNG bike. Then several pre-fix tests are done on that structure to ensure the safety of the customers. Below we have discussed some prefix tests in detail.

CNG Tank Safety: The government’s guideline is that if any company is thinking of making a CNG bike, then it must get a passing certificate from PESO. Now you will ask what is PESO, then let us tell you that this is an organization that takes care of the safety of the customers. PESO full form is Petroleum & Explosives Safety Organisation. In the test conducted by PESO, CNG tanks are pressurized using hydraulic pressure to determine whether the CNG cylinder will burst due to the pressure. This test is done underwater so that even the slightest leakage in the CNG tank can be detected.

Also read: Is a CNG Bike available in India?

Impact Resistance: In this test, real accidents are carried out. Because there is a difference between a real bike crash and testing it publicly with a machine. In this test, the bike crashes at a speed of 60 kilometers per hour to check whether there is any gas leakage or damage after the crash.

Critical Situation Testing: In this test, a 10-ton truck is driven over the CNG tank of the bike several times. Talking about Bajaj company, they have even uploaded a video of this test on YouTube for the common people. Now you must have got your answer whether CNG bike safe or not.

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