Why Is My CNG Car Low Mileage?

Mileage is important for every person, whether he is a taxi driver or a middle-class person. Only a fool would not pay attention to mileage. Yes, it happens in some cases that a car is not bought after looking at the mileage. Whether you are crazy about speed or amazing features, only then you buy a car without looking at its mileage. CNG is a cheaper fuel that’s why CNG cars are preferred by owners of personal as well as commercial vehicles. People are searching on search engines, ‘Why Is My CNG Car Low Mileage?’. Let’s see what you can do with this thing:

Clean Air Filter Regularly

We would like to tell you that CNG is very light. Yes, CNG is lighter than air. Because of this, the air filter gets dirty quickly and because of this CNG cannot pass through the air filter properly. And this is the biggest reason why your car’s mileage is decreasing. Our team spoke to CNG car experts regarding the CNG car air filter and we found out that you should change the air filter every 5500 kilometers.

Also read: Is A CNG Car Good For Hills?

Maintain Tyre Pressure

Maintain Tyre Pressure
Why Is My CNG Car Low Mileage

Everyone knows that the better the friction generated between the car’s tires and the road, the more comfortably the car will run on the road without consuming too much power. And when there is not much consumption then how will more CNG be used? You just have to remember one thing every second time you go to the fuel station, you should get the pressure of your vehicle tires checked.


CNG vehicles require a more heightened temperature to begin than petrol cars. So, they require a strong spark plug to ignite. A good spark plug makes sure the gas fuel-air mixture burns completely, so no fuel is wasted.

Car Clutch Plates: A car clutch is a friction disc inside the transmission. When the clutch is exhausted, it can reduce the car’s mileage as it prevents the power of the car engine from running the wheels, causing low efficiency and wasting fuel. A clutch plate is a very important part of every vehicle, be it an AMT engine or a Manual. If you have a manual car then you will have to be more careful.

There is good news for CNG lovers big car manufacturers are also offering CNG options with AMT engines. If you want to keep the clutch plate in good condition for a long time, then you have to change the transmission fluid on time. If you delay changing the transmission fluid, then your car’s clutch plate may get worn out and damaged. Hope you got the answer to the question ‘Why Is My CNG Car Low Mileage?’

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